For some reason, and I am not exactly sure why; the last three days have been an absolute perfect-storm for the techno-gods to not shine their smiling faces upon me. My oh my–what a mess. One computer glitch disaster to another. Traveling as much as I do—-this could potentially become a problem….and this trip….it surely did. […]
Tag: Diabetes Blogging
Say It……..Today!
Do you have that one friend or one relative that you would be lost without? You know, the one who ‘gets it’ more than almost everyone else? The one who is willing to help, give you a break, take you for a drink, allow you and your spouse to get a night out, take the kids […]
I’m up in the air, on my way to many meetings in the upcoming few days. I was up at 5:00 am today, said a prayer for my friend Laura who was running somewhere at about the same time, and headed to the airport. Now at 38,000 feet and there is really sweet woman next […]
On FB yesterday I read the following question from a parent: I am tired that everywhere I go there is a support this or support that except for our t1d children and families does anybody feel the same? In the world where we find products all turning pink or a telethon or paper Shamrocks being sold or […]
At the onset it is easy to just brush off the Lance Armstrong/Oprah interview. I mean it has nothing to do with diabetes, right? Well directly, no it doesn’t. I watched this train wreck of an interview and there is a good chance that if I watch again tonight, it will only be so I […]
Changes everywhere when it comes to the care of our kids. Enough to baffle the mind, don’t you think? On any given day, you can make an appointment to see your Doctor. (NOTE OF IMPORTANCE: When ever you go to your 1-out-of-4 endocrinology appointments annually, make sure you make your appointment before you leave the […]