
NEWSBREAK: Something Great for Kids Who Have T1D!!!!!

Make no mistake about it, I am probably the biggest fan of Coco as she deals with her diabetes.  I just cannot applaud LOUDLY ENOUGH for this Lilly Diabetes/Disney Collection on T1Everyday Magic. WOW!!!!!! Today I’m informed that Go, Team Coco! has been made into the newest digital version of Coco’s adventures and is available […]


Do You Need a Liferaft??????

Once upon a time there was a big storm and a man had evacuated to his roof as the waters slowly made their way to surround the house all the way up to the roof level. He cried out, “God help me.” As he waited for an answer a man he did not know was […]


Our Children Need the Sign to Guide Them Home……Will You Give it To Them?

The picture s a Swan.  It is a cute ‘thing’, Maria and the others in the housekeeping staff, make with a towel here in Disney, where I am for the Children with Diabetes Friends for Life Conference.    The creation will usually find their way into the window, or it could be a favorite stuffed animal, or even a […]


NY Post Reports: The Rich Hire Handicapped Tour Guides to Cut Lines at Disney

The NY Post is reporting that rich people are hiring handicapped tour guides so they, and their rich little kids, can cut the lines at Disney.  Well if this just doesn’t beat all tacky and stupid low down tricks. This is why people who need them have so much trouble getting the ‘Guest Assistance Passes”……….welcome to the Diabetes Dad […]


Do You Know Mickey Mouse has a Friend with T1 Diabetes?

Upon diagnosis, kids feel all alone.  Now that they have diabetes, and if no one else in the family has it, it becomes a stark reality that they will go it all alone….right?  Eli Lilly as partnered with Disney to create Coco.  Coco is  a monkey character and she has T1 Diabetes and she is […]