
If You Liked Frozen’s ‘DO You Want to Build a Snowman”……..You Will LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!

  Do You Want to be My FFL? (pronounced Fif El).  It represents the acronym Friends for Life.  The video attached is something that anyone with diabetes can relate.  It was written by Sarah Loebner, a very special young lady. The introduction read at Friends for Life Conference was as follows: She—-was diagnosed with T1 […]


The Way WE Treat Diabetes……Should be Incorporated at the United Nations!

Arguments.  Conflicts. Whether with your spouse, your child, between siblings, and any other combination in between.  If you have a dollar to bet, you can bet that a conflict will arise in your home in the not-to-distant future. When these incidents occur, it is no so easy to switch gears and go from heated discussion […]


Frozen, Elsa, Let it Go, and the John Lasseter Interview—All of it and His Son with T1.

I am informed that our friends at Aubrey’s Army website has a link posted to the John Lasseter video from last night’s television show on ABC; The Story of Frozen; Making a Disney Animated Classic. On the video, Mr. Lasseter speaks of Frozen’s character of Elsa and how she, in some ways, parallels the life of […]


If Only….in Our Favor. A T1 16-Year-Old Driver, Makes the Right Call!!!

How many times have things happened where we said, “…if only….”?  If they were only a few minutes earlier or a few minutes later, the catastrophe would have been avoided? “If Only”. A while back I started noticing how many times, “if only in our favor”.  How many times we have the story end in […]


John Lasseter—Frozen’s ‘Let it Go’ and Elsa, Relates to His Son with T1

NOTE ADDED: In some postings it has Anna in the headline—it has been corrected accordingly to be Elsa; which is the correct character. Tonight on Behind the Scenes Look at  The Story of Frozen on ABC, creator, genius John Lasseter talked candidly about the character of Elsa and how he saw similarities with her feeling alone and different […]


……..Because Some People are Worth Melting For……..A Parent’s Letter.

My Dear Child, Sleep. It is more important that you do than I. Wish. I wish I could take it all from you. Educate. While you are at this age, I will do all that is necessary so you can grow. Learn. When the time is right, you will know what I know and more. […]