
Mother’s Day……..Wishing a Good One is Not Enough; Thank you!

I consider myself someone who is, and has been, fairly active in all of my children’s lives; and have certainly been active pertaining to the youngest two and their diabetes.  And in anything that I have done, I have always and in all ways known that it pales greatly to what their mom has done, […]



Happy Mother’s Day Moo-Moo.  Happy Mother’s Day Jill.  Happy Mother’s Day moms. As I started to write today’s column I began thinking of moms of kids with diabetes.  After two sentences I started over because what I was writing was not about diabetes.  It was not just about moms who have a child with diabetes; […]


Speaking in the UK……and Something You May Not Know

I had the wonderful fortune of being asked to address the CWD UK Friends for Life Conference as the keynote speaker.   People seem to think that because of my background in the theatre that this task is an easy one.  Nothing could be further from the truth for two major reasons.  The first one is […]


THE Most Forgotten Group in the Family….When it Comes to Diabetes

In my extensive travel, lecturing and speaking with families I have found that the most forgotten group after diagnosis are the grandparents. Many grandparents share that their heart is often broken and they have to walk a fine line of learning about diabetes enough to care; but not enough to meddle in the middle of how […]


Diabetes Winning in your House?—3 Who Inspire Daily—Learn.

Are you living on life support?   I’m amazed when I read or hear some of the stories people relay living life with their children and the ‘new’ normal of diabetes in the household.  Some good, some not so good.  But let’s focus on the good and see if it can help those who live with […]