
BLOG WEEK ENTRY 2: Please Save Our Children

This is blog week.  We, who are bloggers, have been challenged to write about the same subject matter on a given day with a different topic each day.  Today’s topic is in response to the various petitions that have been circulating the DOC (diabetes online community) of late.  Today’s subject: What/who would we write to petition […]


When it Happens…..Is There Anyone Who Can Help?

Could anyone imagine a loss so huge?  I cannot.  Being part of this community we see it too often, don’t we? Even once, is too much. Is it happening more often or is it the fact that we are electronically connected that we find out about it……..sometimes instantaneously it seems? One of the most incredible women […]


The Loss of a Child.

When you saw the headline….did you rush here?  Did you rush to see who is it this time that has passed away? Well this is only to remind us all that there are people in our DOC (Diabetes Online Community)–people we love—-who have a child or a loved one who has lost this battle. Believe […]


Please God, with Everything that is Holy !!!!

We are the diabetes community. We are. We are not short for words. When we have an opinion, we speak. Today, I am asking you to have an opinion. In fact today I am asking you to scream. I am asking you to rally around one family. Why this family? We all have problems; we […]