
Death from Diabetes……A Small Glimmering Light has Arrived

By far, this is the hardest thing that I have been involved both in and with; on our diabetes journey and within our diabetes community.  It is hard.  It is sad.  It is reality.  And quite truthfully it just sucks. The number one thing that occurs when someone dies in our diabetes community, is the […]


Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition is Activated—Hurricane Lane

The Diabetes Disaster Response Coalition was created after years and years of people wanting to do something, AND DOING SOMETHING, but without a cohesive effort so the entire diabetes community knows what to do in the time of disaster.  This is the only time I will speak in general terms about this group…..moving forward, when […]


CGMs Upon Diagnosis Moving Forward? Thoughts?

I’m sure there was a time when people were dealing with their diabetes; and were used to peeing in a cup, boiling water, dropping in tablets to match a color chart, and check the color of urine to see how much insulin was needed, they were content with the procedure because it was really the […]


NEWSBREAK: CMS Says Yes to the Dexcom……WOW!

In case you were distracted at the end of last week, a major development took place at CMS (Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services) when the decision was made and the agency stated that the Dexcom G5 Mobile was now determined to be classified in a benefit category as therapeutic; thus allowing the agency to […]


Diabetes Awareness Month…..Is the Outside World Learning Anything?

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and the 14th is designated as Word Diabetes Day.  It’s my understanding that the American Diabetes Association designated one and the International Diabetes Federation designated the other…..and it was so declared. I think. Now I love ‘branding’.  I love that I know what Nike means, what Polo means, and what the golden […]


A MOM: I Will Never Get This RIGHT!!!!!!!

I have often found myself reflecting back to the days when Kaitlyn was very, very young and we began this journey.  Do you ever reflect back? If you are fairly new at this ‘diabetes thing’, it may seem like such a long haul ahead of you but let me share that you should look back […]