
Death Too Soon…..We Can All Help……Even a Little

Take a good look at the photograph.  A father and a daughter; the bond of which love is universally understood.  They are at a charity fund-raiser to find a cure for the little girl.  Her name is Megan and her father worked tirelessly to help raise funds to find a cure.  Interestingly enough, it would […]


T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever) ……Mile 23…Something Many Will Never Know

Today my Thanking Great Individuals Forever (T.G.I.F.) is being given to the efforts of a group of people albeit began by one. I originally was going to give this to a woman who made a new meaning of the words ‘MILE 23’, but I know she would say, “…… give it in memory to my son.”  More […]


Your Child May Listen to These Folks….Even More Than They Listen to YOU!

Unless you are a parent of a child with diabetes and actually have diabetes, you do not know what it means to have it, and live with it, every second.  I have stated that many times.  Conversely, children who have diabetes do not know the pain we, as parents, feel. Today I am listing many […]


Emergency at 43,000 Feet.

“Ladies and gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking…….” The tone in his voice sounded different from when these normal-type announcement comes from the cockpit.  Up until this point we were on a non-stop from the UK to NYC’s Kennedy Airport on an uneventfully calm flight.  This was about to change. The Captain continued, “We need […]


Today is Giving Tuesday…..Did You Know That????? 3 GREAT Ways to Help.

Do you know what today is???? You had black friday; you had cyber Monday—-well now that you saved all that money–welcome to Giving Tuesday.  That is correct… is the day to show your support to the charity of your choice. Now I have a few suggestions for you (well you know that was coming) just […]


Brothers and Sisters…..Don’t Forget Them.

Each and every year we read about all of the different days that are or should be attached to diabetes.  you know them and if I list them, I’ll forget one.  They all have a purpose. Won’t you agree that there is a group of kids who are amazing when it comes to diabetes and […]