
Make No Mistake Moms and Dads, It’s Your Graduation and/or Awards Day Too!

Congratulations, milestone reached. I always love this time of year as people post all of the great accomplishments that their child achieved.  Graduating High School, Graduating College, and whatever they call, these days, cap and gowns for kindergarten and/or middle school.  Step up–graduation?…..whatever…..your child is moving on in life. Wonderful news. Silently, I have always […]



Mom. Is there really a more soothing one-syllable word in our language?  Not really sure what the ‘role’ of a mom is, by design, anyway.  Who could ever write ‘the manual’ describing what a mom should be, or what is required?  And yet, so many are so good at it.  I’ve known many ‘moms’ in my […]



   It’s today.   Twenty years ago.  Today.  Sigh.  It’s not ‘Happy’ Diaversary….it’s just there; a milestone. Twenty years today.  As I think back to that September 26th 1992, when at the age of 2 Kaitlyn was whisked to Stony Brook Hospital; medical staff ran around tending to her; tubes were attached; pain was administered; tears were […]


A Sibling Making a Difference…..Today’s Sunday Hero

No one knows how hard it is to be a sibling of a child with diabetes.  No matter how hard we, as parents, try to balance the playing field our child(ren) with diabetes demand so much more attention. But we certainly try, don’t we parents.  My Sunday Hero is Jonathan.  Jonathan is a Senior at his […]


Is your Child a Daily dHero?

Our Kids. Wow the things they do.  The things they put up with every day.  Whether they have diabetes or they do not have diabetes; the fact that diabetes is in our households makes them live each and every day in a way that no one will understand but us; their parents.  The new norm […]


Please God, with Everything that is Holy !!!!

We are the diabetes community. We are. We are not short for words. When we have an opinion, we speak. Today, I am asking you to have an opinion. In fact today I am asking you to scream. I am asking you to rally around one family. Why this family? We all have problems; we […]