I think back to that day, that September 26th, 1992 day; so very often. The trip up to Stony Brook Hospital. The day Kaitlyn was diagnosed. Perhaps my observation training as an actor, perhaps that observation training as a parent. The smell of the hospital. The scenery as you drive up to the hospital at […]
Category: Uncategorized
What Will Happen in Washington?
They are on their way to Washington. Seems that letters went out to the many of 150 children who were chosen as delegtes for the JDRF Children’s Congress. When I was part of the program we called it the ‘Run Up the Hill’, a great choice on the name now used. The testimony and the […]
It’s Diabetes Art Day….and you should walk, run, fly……okay—Click—your way to this FABULOUS idea. I have often said ‘don’t do nothing’ and Ms. Lee Ann Thill has taken her love and passion for art and shared it with us in the diabetes world as it has never been done before. Diabetes Art Day has two […]
At what point do we ever let go? I was in the bathroom getting ready and was unable to get to my phone. In a matter of about 30 seconds my cell phone went off twice with messages, rang once, and my hotel room phone rang twice. Kaitlyn and I were traveling this weekend with the CWD conference; […]
How Smart are You???????
This weekend had me at the Children with Diabetes’ Focus on Technology in Crystal City Virginia or right next to Washington D.C. In as much as i so enjoy speaking to these great people. I’m also always there to learn as well. You can never have too much knowledge when it comes to diabetes, and I have […]
What do you Choose?
How hard can it be to have diabetes? Well for the person who lives with it, and many will tell you, they ‘just do’. They do not think about it, although they never stop thinking about it. I remember my daughter’s line when asked about her diabetes when a news team was doing story about […]