
OMG….Your Number is What…..What Did You Do??????!!!!!

Is that the phrase you might have used when your child walks in the door and informs you of their meter reading? In as much as they may or may not comply during the last few hours which made them spike or drop; someone taught me something a long time ago that we try to adhere […]


Sometimes a Princess (or Prince) is Right Next to Us.

I know some very special people. I hate diabetes and everything about it. The journey, though, has allowed us the honor to have crossed paths with some of the most incredible people in the world.  People who care.  People who give.  And quite frankly, people who love. These people understand diabetes.  Some volunteer their time.  […]


When You Need Help…..Who Helps You?

As I read various posts, I rarely see or hear about what a spouse/partner does in the management of a child’s diabetes.  Let’s face it, sometimes you want to pull your hair out trying to find help but who DOES help you when you need it? I write often and at her request, I mention Jill […]


A Fast Approaching Cliff……..Who Will Take Care of Them??????

In each household there is the one person who completely understands the warning signs of a ‘low’ or a ‘high’ blood sugar other than the person who has diabetes (and sometimes, rarely as far as I’m aware, there are more than one).   I surely hope there is at least one. Make no mistake about it; in our household […]


PLEASE Let These Wonderful People Know How Grateful we, as a Diabetes Community, are for their Efforts!!!!!!!

Welcome.  Here is your ticket to enter a fabulous world.  I am absolutely exhausted.  I am absolutely exhilarated.  I am absolutely thrilled.  For the past few months, we Suffolk County LIONs Diabetes Education Foundation members have been working on a project to raise money to do what we do to help people with diabetes.  Yesterday we […]


What is Your Question?????……the DOC is Here to Help.

The last week has taught me a very valuable lesson.  So many people responded to the questions I asked and many more parents were grateful for the input. We, as parents, have an incredible resource available to us.  As I read many private and public replies, emails, and private messages I have learned that many […]