
A Brother’s Christmas Wish for his Sister…..and an Answer that will Touch Your Heart.

I share this with you in the spirit of the Holiday Season.  It is just an incredible Holiday wish that came to me via a mom. Thirteen-year-old Jeremy asked his mother if he could talk to Dr. Ricordi in private.  Dr. Ricordi of The Diabetes Research Institute, as so many know, is one of the […]


Good-bye to Blogging as We Know It??? I Surely Hope Not.

There is a very interesting article being circulated online, written by ‘NPR‘.  The article entitled: Social Media Help Diabetes Patients (And Drugmakers) Connect begins by stating how the diabetes community is connected but quickly turns to the fact that pharma companies are getting involved with many of the bloggers and that involvement needs to be regulated, or […]


Sunday dHero….Santa’s Elves………WHAT!!!!!!

WHAT!!!!  Have I lost my mind?????   Santa’s Elves as Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero?????? Well perhaps, but these are special elves with a special mission and they are here for your children.  They are those incredible volunteers working with Santa to send a personal letter to your child for the holidays. Those letters will even mention how well […]


A Response from a Good Friend of a Broken Hearted Family—Will You Share and/or help this Story?

I have posted a reply to my post about Brian Doss from Tracy Brokmeier, who created the fund-raising page for his family.  Before you read it I would like to share with you that I have concluded that this is about numbers.  Hundreds of people read the blog, and the good news is that we have almost […]


Death Too Soon…..We Can All Help……Even a Little

Take a good look at the photograph.  A father and a daughter; the bond of which love is universally understood.  They are at a charity fund-raiser to find a cure for the little girl.  Her name is Megan and her father worked tirelessly to help raise funds to find a cure.  Interestingly enough, it would […]


T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever) ……Mile 23…Something Many Will Never Know

Today my Thanking Great Individuals Forever (T.G.I.F.) is being given to the efforts of a group of people albeit began by one. I originally was going to give this to a woman who made a new meaning of the words ‘MILE 23’, but I know she would say, “…… give it in memory to my son.”  More […]