
Is this YOUR Prayer too? Hey God, it’s me again……

  Hey God, it’s me again. I know we haven’t talked too much lately.  I’m still a tad angry.  The first child diagnosed with diabetes was heartbreaking, the second was just shattering. I’m also unsure how many of my friends who lost a child  due to diabetes can even function.  I’m told you have a […]


Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero—-a Young Man Who is Focused on Helping Others.

  The first thing that strikes you about this incredible young man, when you meet him, is his friendly smile and laid back attitude.  He has a kind word for you and will always ask how you, or a member of your family, are doing.  He is Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero not just because of the […]


PORKED!–Pig Insulin, Pig Islets, Pigskin, & a Pig Roast—A VERY PIGGY DAY!

Michael Otten (far right) with Vinny, Robert (and Gigi) were up bright and early organizing their PIG ROAST 2012 to benefit the Diabetes Research Institute and the Children with Diabetes Foundation. After I spoke with him this morning I had this thought of the irony of an event to end diabetes and the connections. Many of […]


Is your Child a Daily dHero?

Our Kids. Wow the things they do.  The things they put up with every day.  Whether they have diabetes or they do not have diabetes; the fact that diabetes is in our households makes them live each and every day in a way that no one will understand but us; their parents.  The new norm […]