Toronto Blue Jays pitcher, J.A. (pronounced ‘Jay’) Happ is still recovering from a nasty blow to the head off a line-drive at the Tampa Bay Rays baseball game last night. J.A. pitches for the Toronto Blue Jays and took his winnings, in 2009, from his Players Choice National League Outstanding Rookie from the Major League Baseball Players Association and donated […]
Tag: Diabetes Blogging
Brenda Novak is a New York Times and USA Today Best Selling Author. Each May she organizes and runs an incredible online auction. Just about anything you can think of is available from trips to having your writings critiqued by the industry’s top agents and editors, and so much more. Little did Brenda know that […]
Integrated Diabetes Services FB page just announced that Gary Schneier just received a call from the American Association of Diabetes Educators’ VP of Community Affairs and informed him that he is the AADE’s choice for Diabetes Educator of the Year. Gary is to be congratulated for his herculean and untiring efforts on educating those, like […]
Happy Cinco de Mayo. Today is also my 55th birthday. I was born on 5-5-58 at 11:11 a.m. Double nickel, speed limit, whatever you want to call it, I am now 55. Margaritas all around please. It is interesting because today I found myself thinking that I was just 34 when Kaitlyn was diagnosed…..a lifetime ago. […]
I saw a great saying on-line recently. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit, wisdom is knowing not to include it in a fruit salad. Sometimes we know things but do we put into practice what we know? Are we more interested in defending a stance than opening up our minds and our hearts to […]
When You Need Help…..Who Helps You?
As I read various posts, I rarely see or hear about what a spouse/partner does in the management of a child’s diabetes. Let’s face it, sometimes you want to pull your hair out trying to find help but who DOES help you when you need it? I write often and at her request, I mention Jill […]