If if you do not have children for this incredible program…..it’s the holidays, help take us one step closer to a cure. SANTA CLAUS CAN PEN A PERSONAL NOTE TO YOUR CHILD THIS CHRISTMAS Jolly holiday fundraiser benefits Diabetes Research Institute Foundation New York, NY (November 23, 2012) – Yes, Virginia (and Emma, and Maria, […]
I share much with you all and today is purely GREAT news. I am so happy to announce that our son, TJ, became engaged yesterday to Joelle Wilk, who also lives on Long Island. It was a completely traditional ‘ask’ as they say. TJ came to us over the weekend, we cried with happiness; he then went and talked […]
Happy Thanksgiving. Each year I enjoy the parade from my chair, but for a long, long time that was not the case. A long time ago I decided that I want to be involved on the inside of the Macy’s Day Parade. It looked so cool. How great would it be to one day march front and center […]
I saw a post on-line today that I thought I would address. A mom wrote that she attended a Thanksgiving Day event at school and as much as the event was a lovely event she could not help but feel a bit sad as the others in the room certainly did not have a care in […]
Hurricane Sandy and Diabetes……..
Hurricane Sandy hit with a fury of which the likes have never been seen here on Long Island. Our neighbors in New Jersey, Staten Island, Queens, NYC, and parts of Connecticut were also hugely hit by this incredibly unforgiving storm. The flow of water connected bay to ocean and literally cut Fire Island into further Islands […]
This is an easy one. This was created by a group of teens in the UK. The sole purpose was to generate enthusiasm and attention to diabetes during Diabetes Awareness month. Go to the page and hot like. Let these kids know that their work is appreciated and t het we ‘like’ their concept […]