
Who Digs Us Out????

As I had my morning coffee, today, the day after the big storm, I looked out the window at the magnitude of what will lie ahead for us today.  A whole lot of digging.  Those of us who were hit by the storm will have a choice; dig out alone or enlist the entire family to grab […]


One Thing Tips the Entire Scale…..Don’t you agree?

Recently we were having a discussion in our house about all of our definition of a cure.  In the midst of the discussion, Kaitlyn stated that she has had diabetes for so long (20 of 22 years) that she would find it odd not to have it. Now this may surprise you, but that got me […]


Diabetesdad’s Most Fascinating Person of 2012……A Young Lady Who Inspires Everyone!

I have often stated that people can do anything they set their minds to; and a person having diabetes does not exclude that thought.  One only needs to dream. I stole the post below, ‘word for word’ from the young lady’s post.  Her name is Monica.  She is a typical college freshman who has diabetes.  What she […]


Speaking in the UK……and Something You May Not Know

I had the wonderful fortune of being asked to address the CWD UK Friends for Life Conference as the keynote speaker.   People seem to think that because of my background in the theatre that this task is an easy one.  Nothing could be further from the truth for two major reasons.  The first one is […]


Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero—-a Young Man Who is Focused on Helping Others.

  The first thing that strikes you about this incredible young man, when you meet him, is his friendly smile and laid back attitude.  He has a kind word for you and will always ask how you, or a member of your family, are doing.  He is Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero not just because of the […]


PORKED!–Pig Insulin, Pig Islets, Pigskin, & a Pig Roast—A VERY PIGGY DAY!

Michael Otten (far right) with Vinny, Robert (and Gigi) were up bright and early organizing their PIG ROAST 2012 to benefit the Diabetes Research Institute and the Children with Diabetes Foundation. After I spoke with him this morning I had this thought of the irony of an event to end diabetes and the connections. Many of […]