
T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever)—-A Celebrity Chef.

He is a chef, author, and television personality. He is currently a host of AOL’s GMC “Trade Secrets” online show.  He was diagnosed with diabetes at age 12.  Where there are celebs with diabetes that do little or ‘the bare minimum’ he is a 180 degree opposite helping diabetes causes and speaking about his diabetes […]


Siblings—DO they Really Understand? A Story that Changed My Life.

Siblings.  No matter how hard the attempt, diabetes has always prevented us from giving the full amount of time needed to those who are the brother and sister of someone with diabetes.  Whatever the event, attention is drawn away.  And we tried pretty hard to find a balance.  But it seemed falling short indeed did […]


Newly DX–Large Keytones–Vomiting–Over 420–What do I do?

  I saw this post recently. I was astounded reading through the many responses of the people who were trying to help this poor mother. I get it.  We want to help. But the only acceptable answer is to get in touch with your medical team ASAP and you need to do it now.   Answers as […]


Hofstra University Presidential Debates Tonight—-There IS a Clear Winner.

  Those who know me also know my very, very deep gratitude and pride I have about my alma mater, Hofstra University.  As you watch the debates tonight, I thought you would like to know how my close ties with this incredible University played a role in our diabetes world.  Even if there is no […]


What are You Doing Today???? Do the Big Blue Test.

Between 2010 and 2011, over 10,000 people helped themselves while helping more than 10,000 others. Most participants in the Big Blue Test experience an average blood sugar drop of 20% and by every Big Blue Test result a donation is made by the program sponsor to help others around the world with diabetes in need. The Big […]


Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero—-a Young Man Who is Focused on Helping Others.

  The first thing that strikes you about this incredible young man, when you meet him, is his friendly smile and laid back attitude.  He has a kind word for you and will always ask how you, or a member of your family, are doing.  He is Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero not just because of the […]