
The Worst Kind of Diabetes is………

You Have a Job to do. Diabetes Awareness month is November.  We’re not going to wait.   Too many are getting it wrong now, today.  Do something today that could have an impact on Diabetes Awareness Month for 2012.  Ready? The worst form of diabetes…….is getting it wrong.   Find a newspaper in your area and either […]


A Score Card for the Debate this Evening.

Here is a scoring aid to use while watching the debates tonight…..feel free to add your own and post them. If a statistic is given and a source cited   +2 points If a sound bite is mentioned   -1 point Each time the phrase ‘that’s not true’ is uttered  -1 point If you refute a stat […]


SHUT UP and Give Her a Piece of Candy!

I’m just a tad tired of seeing ‘that’ horror on the faces of those people who have no clue what bearing candy has in the life of those who have diabetes; honestly, the answer is that it has none. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?  You cannot have candy out on the table; you have two kids […]


Will it Ever Get Better?????

I read a lot.  I read many comments from parents.  I read many comments from people with diabetes.  Many times my heart breaks because they fret over a high or a low and it becomes a hurdle 50 feet high. You know in baseball, every player makes an out more than they get a hit.  […]


No D**bet*s Blog Day—Two Videos to Watch and Feel Good.

In Honor of a Blog where I cannot mention the “D” word; I decided to give you some videos that have made me feel good.   The first one is from Singing in the Rain and so taxing was this number on Donald O’Connor that he missed his next scheduled film and the role was given to Danny […]


Sunday dHero—This Story Will Truly Make You Shutter

My Sunday dHero is AJ and his is one of the most tragic and negative-turned-positve stories you will ever read.  My dear friend Moira wrote about it completely and I will not take it away from her.  I warn you; if you read this, your life will change.