
PORKED!–Pig Insulin, Pig Islets, Pigskin, & a Pig Roast—A VERY PIGGY DAY!

Michael Otten (far right) with Vinny, Robert (and Gigi) were up bright and early organizing their PIG ROAST 2012 to benefit the Diabetes Research Institute and the Children with Diabetes Foundation. After I spoke with him this morning I had this thought of the irony of an event to end diabetes and the connections. Many of […]


T.G.I.F. Thanking Great Individuals Forever–Today, a Man of Iron

Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes in 1991 in his first year of law school at the age of 24 he was not to be deterred in his quest to be the best.  He is one of America’s Ironmen Triathlon Athletes, an elite group of racers that endure incredible mental and physical challenges beyond comprehension.  “To me racing Ironman […]


Our Final High School 504…….Maybe I’ll Get it Right.

Well, it’s finally here.  Jill said to me a few nights ago, “Let me know your schedule, the school wants to meet about Rob’s 504 plan.” I said okay and of course, two days have gone by and I have yet to give her dates I am available (as I state, when it comes to […]


Who Needs a Medical Alert I.D. Bracelet? They’ll find it.

Medical I.D. alert bracelets.  What to do with them on kids and do you wear one as an adult?   First of all, not to bash any sort of industry but a medical I.D. alert bracelet is not jewelry.  It has a purpose.  It has a huge purpose.  It is, as it states in the name, […]


Is A1C Really a Pass/Fail Test

IS an A1C really pass fail……click here to read my monthly article on Stop beating yourself up.


Diabetes T1 or T2—Need a New Name?

There has been much talk that we need to change the name of diabetes…..which one; Type 1 or Type 2?….well THAT is the question. Some comments heard here and there: “They are completely different, they need different names.” “The complications are identical, well close enough.” “Well Type 2 can be avoided, they should not be […]