
T.G.I. F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever)–a Man who Just Will NOT Give Up.

  There is a man I know.  It is hard for me to write about him because my eyes swell up with tears every time I try. I have been at this for over twenty years.  Every time I see someone or meet someone who I have not seen active in a while I ask […]


Diabetes Awareness Month—How About Something Different this Year….Yes?.

November is Diabetes Awareness month thus deemed so by the American Diabetes Association a long time ago and followed by the world.  November 14th is Diabetes Awareness Day–in honor of Frederick Banting who is the youngest Nobel laureate in the area of Physiology/Medicine for his discovery of insulin (he did not do it alone but that is a […]


A Cat Video….Surely Reminds me of a Few Experiences with Diabetes!! or Who is Training Whom?

  Remind YOU of anything? Enjoy. I’m a Diabetes dad.


Sunday dHero…..Getting between Bullies and Someone in Need! Please Let this Young Lady Know How Special She is.

Her name is Amber, she lives in California, she is 13, new in her school just moving there from Texas, and was diagnosed with diabetes at age 9.  She loves music and she is Diabetesdad’s Sunday dHero…….you may find her to be a hero also. Her mom states how Amber excels in so many different areas, loves […]


Thank you Peanuts…..Happy Halloween! A GREAT idea…..still.

To this day, the BEST idea about how to handle Halloween still rests with our friends in Charles Schulz’s character-land of Peanuts. Agreed.  Your kids can still eat some of the candy even with their diabetes. Agreed.  There probably is not a time that Halloween did not come and go that our kids did not go […]


T.G.I.F. (Thanking Great Individuals Forever) Who Created THAT Walk?????

It was originally called the Walk for the Cure until a cancer fundraising organization sent a letter to change the name.   To the Foundation’s credit they thought changing the name was a better move than using donation money to fight the request resulting in what is now called the Walk to Cure Diabetes (a blessing in disguise).  In the early […]